Interface InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest

The link contains a request of Telegram passport data. Call getPassportAuthorizationForm with the given parameters to process the link if the link was received from outside of the application; otherwise, ignore it. Subtype of InternalLinkType.

interface InternalLinkTypePassportDataRequest {
    @type: "internalLinkTypePassportDataRequest";
    bot_user_id: number;
    callback_url: string;
    nonce: string;
    public_key: string;
    scope: string;


@type: "internalLinkTypePassportDataRequest"
bot_user_id: number

User identifier of the service's bot; the corresponding user may be unknown yet.

callback_url: string

An HTTP URL to open once the request is finished, canceled, or failed with the parameters tg_passport=success, tg_passport=cancel, or tg_passport=error&error=... respectively. If empty, then onActivityResult method must be used to return response on Android, or the link tgbot{bot_user_id}://passport/success or tgbot{bot_user_id}://passport/cancel must be opened otherwise.

nonce: string

Unique request identifier provided by the service.

public_key: string

Service's public key.

scope: string

Telegram Passport element types requested by the service.