Interface ConnectedAffiliateProgram

Describes an affiliate program that was connected to an affiliate.

interface ConnectedAffiliateProgram {
    @type: "connectedAffiliateProgram";
    bot_user_id: number;
    connection_date: number;
    is_disconnected?: boolean;
    parameters: AffiliateProgramParameters;
    revenue_star_count: string;
    url: string;
    user_count: string;


@type: "connectedAffiliateProgram"
bot_user_id: number

User identifier of the bot created the program.

connection_date: number

Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the affiliate program was connected.

is_disconnected?: boolean

True, if the program was canceled by the bot, or disconnected by the chat owner and isn't available anymore.

The parameters of the affiliate program.

revenue_star_count: string

The number of Telegram Stars that were earned by the affiliate program.

url: string

The link that can be used to refer users if the program is still active.

user_count: string

The number of users that used the affiliate program.